Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Godin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Godin - Essay Example A product which is out of the ordinary would grab the attention of the buyer. This has a direct correlation with the second conclusion. Being ordinary without introducing or representing anything new will bring the demise of a venture because being safe is the most damaging attribute a product can have. Godin’s conception of the definition of remarkable elucidates what retail should adopt. Remarkable means something that is worthy of remark. These are â€Å"ideas that spread† through what he calls idea diffusion. A new product should elicit remark which would compel others to talk about it. This means that the popularity of a product is no longer based on massive advertising where companies need to spend millions by availing of the conventional media such as television or radio. In this regard, Godin points out a Japanese word ‘otaku’ which refer to some kind of constituency who care about a product. These people spread the word without compensation simply because they are willing to listen and they become enthusiastic with a particular item. Choices are important to people but the presence of too many choices could render them desensitized that the best way to go is to make a conscious effort to be

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