Friday, September 13, 2019

Dicussion 13 703 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dicussion 13 703 - Assignment Example I have discovered this from the fact that the framework I am using in studying my clinical problem has been and can be used in many other studies that will deal with different issues. Additionally, I have learnt that it is possible to harmonize knowledge from different disciplines in one compressed tool such as the one I am using my project. To continue growing in knowledge, I will endeavor to keep conducting scholarly research in order to acquire new insight into different nursing ideas. Additionally, I will seek to read and review scholarly studies conducted by other nurses. To apply the knowledge I shall acquire in a clinical setting, I shall use nursing guidance manuals and code of ethics in order to delimit the scope of the application. To evaluate the translation of that knowledge to see if it is effective, I shall try it on different clinical problems checking the ones in which it work and the ones it does not. Finally, I shall request my peers to help in reviewing its successes and shortcomings in order to uphold objectivity in evaluation (Marlaine,

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