Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lab Report: Effect of Temperature on a Rate of Reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid :: essays research papers

My aim in this piece of work is to see the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction in a solution of hydrochloric acid containing sodium thiosulphate. The word equation for the reaction that will occur in the experiment is: Sodium thiosulphate + hydrochloric acid →, sulphur + sulphur dioxide + sodium chloride + water ..where the sulphur is an insoluble precipitate. And the symbol equation for it is: Na2S2O3 + 2HCl →, S + SO2 + 2Na + H2O Before conducting my experiment I will research into, amongst other things, the factors that affect the rate of a reaction. This is so that I may enough information to understand the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction and also gain appropriate understanding to make a suitable prediction as to what the outcome of my experiment will be. Reactions occur when the particles of reactants collide together continuously. If they collide with sufficient energy, then they will react. The minimum amount of kinetic energy required for particles at the time of collision is called the activation energy and this theory is known as the ?collision theory?. Reactions occur in all circumstances. Chemicals are always combining and breaking up: Reactants and products combine and break apart in all reactions.

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